As I open this post up and shed light upon our first interviewee, I instantly think about the several trials and triumphs that we have lived through together. I reflect upon our very first moment of meeting each other in middle school, our first girls' night at granny's house, but most importantly how this amazing young woman has persevered through life's most challenging circumstances. She never misleads one on what she believes in and she stands firm in her values even when adversity stands before her. Sit back, relax, and engage in this excerpt as we take a cruise through CinCity--- Introducing, one of my best friends', Cinamyn Seward.
"The reasoning behind my drive is God first, as everything I do stems from him, and those who face similar or the same experiences as myself, to encourage and provide reassurance that they aren’t alone. Mental health is glamourized vs. discussed, and that’s where I intend on spreading awareness."
A native from the Chesterfield County community and only 22 years young, Seward found a need to create a safe space for individuals who may have endured similar experiences as herself. Through her personal blog, CiWroteIt, she discusses not only who she is and what she has lived through, but how she withstands the pressure that life can bring in the midst of one finding themselves in a world where comparison can ultimately be the thief of joy. With a drive, passion, and strength as such, she aspires to become an artist, and to pursue a career in Forensic Psychology after completion of graduation. Furthermore, Seward is seeking to obtain her Doctorates Degree in Psychology to not only serve her community, but to raise awareness and emphasize the importance of black men's mental health. Realizing the notion of the stigmas, stereotypes, neglect, and abuse many face as not only a result of the Criminal Justice System and Revictimization throughout the courts, Cinamyn notes that she is determined to raise emphasis on the certain barriers black men face while also spilling into the seeping cracks of what is unfortunately not discussed enough in the world.
Creating her inspirational and motivational blog during the height of 2018, Seward was more than transparent, regarding her process to maintain what she had now birthed into this world. "Noticing your work and rebranding so you can capture your audience" are the words that she conveyed to express the moments where she became stagnant in her posts; however, she did not allow her studies, family matters, or her personal life to hinder her from fulfilling her direct calling. As she allowed herself to revive her platform many times, she soon found fulfillment in challenging her inner-self as well. Cinamyn states that allowing yourself to start over time after time again, considering the fact that every day is a new day, pushes her to feel, seek her support system, and try again when difficulties arise.
The interviewee goes to share a piece of advice for young men and women who may question the uncertainties of life's' altering events. "The advice I would give to anyone seeking their voice would be to keep going, and to be gentle with yourself on your bad days. You are never wrong for seeking rest from mental wars.". Expanding on the term “mental wars” from her perspective, Cinamyn expresses that these phases that one may stomach may be seasons in their lives that they don't quite understand; however, never allow that to dictate your next move. Surrender when needed, but always remain confident that you shall fight again. This time though, harder than before! Seward's true essence of gratitude and consistency to helping others during their weariness in life, grants her the opportunity to aim to be the best helping professional, friend, and confidant thus far.
"My birthstone is a diamond, and diamonds are formed from coal under intense pressure. I’m always under tension and I catch myself asking “why” a lot; yet, in the end, when I “form” I’ll see why I had to be pressured the way I was."
Impacting her community through her expression of art and emphasizing the importance of mental health, motivates Cinamyn to continue to thrive in creating a legacy for those after her. Living and walking by her favorite quote, "And when you become a diamond, you’ll see why life had to pressure you.", serves her well by understanding and knowing that she has a mission and vision to execute no matter how tough life may look or seem. Though nothing in life comes easy and although some things in life may seem delayed, but never denied, I rest assured that Seward's hard work, commitment, and resiliency through both her personal platform and community engagements will provide endless opportunities, resources, and support as she guides those after her. This is Catching a Glimpse of What It's Like Behind the Saturday Support Spotlight.
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